Supreme Court Allows Registration Of BS4 Vehicles After March 31,2020, Deadline

 This is a Big news for Bs4 Vehicles Registration Last Date Extended via Supreme Court .

This is a big relief, for all those customers and also automotive manufacturers company.

However, in a second judgement, the apex court said that those BS4 norm vehicle sold and registration or registered vehicle yet, will be given permission to register after the due date of March 31st, 2020. This is a big relief, for all those customers as also automotive manufacturers.

So,The automotive industry to get profits going again and while it was thought that April 2020 would ease some of the burden, the COVID !9 (coronavirus) outbreak.

However, This relief will not allow in the DELHI NCR sector, the Supreme Court today March,27th,2020 eased the March 31st, deadline for the sale of BS4 vehicles in India,they are given an extension of 10 days, After  the end of the lockdown period as per government announced present date (April 14th, 2020).

All Dealerships in the all over country are facing massive issues with sales BS4 vehicles over the 21-day lockdown period announced by the government of India and this does come as a relief. But the apex court has ruled that only 10%, of unsold BS4 vehicles, can be retailed within 10 days after the lockdown ends.

So,that means the dealers will have a huge chunk of the inventory on their hands for sell BS4 vehicles.

Supreme Court Allows Registration Of BS4 Vehicles Even After March 31,2020, Deadline. BS4 vehicles, can be retailed within 10 days after the lockdown ends.